"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all"
~ Emily Dickinson

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tax Time!

So it's been a busy week of errands and meetings so we are stepping on the brake a bit with the clean out until mom has all your paperwork together for taxes. I'm still working on cleaning out the office a bit at a time and trying to do a few things in mom's bedroom while she works on taxes. It's been a productive week but just not much in terms of pictures. It looks like a pretty overcast and rainy weekend so we are working inside. I'm looking forward to next week. I should be warmer and I'll be out in the barn a bit taking pictures of the equipment. Gotta figure out what some of that stuff is! I'll have more next week.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Busy Few Days!

Since last I posted Mom and I have been busy around the homestead. Mom's getting things in order to get her flowers and plants started as soon as the weather warms up. We've continued to clean out the office with the help of Mom's best friend Mona coming down on Friday. Five hours and three people we really put a dent into it. It's amazing to go through all the stuff my dad kept over the years. It's certainly emotional to go through all the stuff but therapeutic at the same time. He kept just about every single birthday and Father's day card my sisters and I gave him, as well as all the cards m mom gave him. It's crazy to look back at what I wrote him when I was a little girl and realize how much it means now.

Mom's looking at the room in a different way and really excited about it being a functional space for her to do paperwork and enjoy the beautiful view of the barn. While I didn't get an accurate before and after pic of the clean out here is a picture with the desk cleared off and another with the desk out of the room. I think within another week we'll have the whole thing pretty cleared out! A paint job and new carpet and the room will be completely new and go along with the rest of the house. Can't wait for mom to be able to really use it and get her dinning room table back!

After clean out - before desk is gone

Desk gone!

We also sold 18 bales of hay today and made another massive trip to the dump. About 6 trash bags of stuff this time. We are looking into renting a dumpster for the next few months to make things easier as the clean out continues.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Holy Crap...(literally)!

So Mom and I got more done before 1:30 p.m. than we ever thought possible. The teenagers were so excited to get the Grand Am they showed up before 9:30 a.m. and that vehicle was gone by 10.

After a few days of no Starbucks, I zipped into town for a morning treat and got mom a good solid (non-instant) black coffee. That was a really good thing since the guy that wanted Dad's old Ford work van called and said he could help us empty it out and had a trailer to pull it away with today. With Mom and I highly caffeinated we worked all morning and into the afternoon filling up trash bags and all the crap (and I mean a shit ton of crap) out of the van.  It took 9 (yes I said 9) trash bags and a bunch of stuff for the trading post but the van is gone and mom has a bit more money in her pocket. Sorry I didn't get a pic of the 9 trash bags it would have been a good one!

We also have a good start on the metal load in the Dandy Dump and my next thing to tackle is selling the appliances in the yellow house and starting to clear out all the stuff in there. Another day another dollar...and an ibuprofen before bed tonight.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


There is progress happening these days on Sugar Run. Mom and I spent some quality time at the license branch and we are moving a few vehicles off the property. We sold the black Grand Am today for a good price so that's one less vehicle to pay insurance on.

Next we are cleaning out the old work van and selling it by the end of the week. Next we need to make a few calls and try to get some of the 100 or so bales of hay sold so we can start clearing the western most part of the land.

Also, we are getting in touch with some Amish connections to see about patching up the fence. We have a guy that would like to graze his goats on the land and that would make mom happy to see goats out there again plus a little revenue for her. Slow and steady it's coming along! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And So It Begins...

I've learned so much about life through my father's death. I feel as though I've aged 10 years in two months. But now is the time to start sorting through the things that are left behind after a life is gone. Since it is still cold as can be outside I'm going to start by helping mom get the inside of the house together and more manageable for her so it's not so overwhelming. She has more paperwork to do than I can even imagine so I'll be doing the heavy lifting while she puts pen to paper.

First things first...I am selling my black 1999 Pontiac Grand Am. If you know anyone in the market for a starter car let me know. Call me at 812-320-729 or email me at kschenk82@gmail.com.