"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all"
~ Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


There is progress happening these days on Sugar Run. Mom and I spent some quality time at the license branch and we are moving a few vehicles off the property. We sold the black Grand Am today for a good price so that's one less vehicle to pay insurance on.

Next we are cleaning out the old work van and selling it by the end of the week. Next we need to make a few calls and try to get some of the 100 or so bales of hay sold so we can start clearing the western most part of the land.

Also, we are getting in touch with some Amish connections to see about patching up the fence. We have a guy that would like to graze his goats on the land and that would make mom happy to see goats out there again plus a little revenue for her. Slow and steady it's coming along! 

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