"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all"
~ Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Holy Crap...(literally)!

So Mom and I got more done before 1:30 p.m. than we ever thought possible. The teenagers were so excited to get the Grand Am they showed up before 9:30 a.m. and that vehicle was gone by 10.

After a few days of no Starbucks, I zipped into town for a morning treat and got mom a good solid (non-instant) black coffee. That was a really good thing since the guy that wanted Dad's old Ford work van called and said he could help us empty it out and had a trailer to pull it away with today. With Mom and I highly caffeinated we worked all morning and into the afternoon filling up trash bags and all the crap (and I mean a shit ton of crap) out of the van.  It took 9 (yes I said 9) trash bags and a bunch of stuff for the trading post but the van is gone and mom has a bit more money in her pocket. Sorry I didn't get a pic of the 9 trash bags it would have been a good one!

We also have a good start on the metal load in the Dandy Dump and my next thing to tackle is selling the appliances in the yellow house and starting to clear out all the stuff in there. Another day another dollar...and an ibuprofen before bed tonight.

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